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The Eye Bank Association of America (EBAA) consists primarily of non-profit eye banks across the US and internationally. EBAA serves its members through a variety of services, resources, education, and much more.
At a Glance

Medical Standards & Statistical Reports
Opportunities to have clinical discussions
Alerts, initiatives, and important documents
Low prices and easy access to the latest research
Research grant opportunities
EBAA’s online education platform which allows members to access hours of free sessions, on-demand webinars, event records, resources, and much more!
Eye Banker Leadership Program and Physician Leadership Program
Occurring biennially, the Eye Banker Leadership Program allows eye bank professionals in senior management positions the opportunity to develop and strengthen their understanding of leadership. Eye banks also have the opportunity to nominate a physician who works closely with their eye bank to attend the Physician program.
Technician Education Seminar
This annual event is ideal for beginning eye bank professionals who are looking to gain a deeper and comprehensive understanding of eye bank operations. The course consists of lecture, demonstrations, case studies, breakouts, and much more.
Credentialing and Standards
Accreditation Information
Since Since 1982, EBAA’s Accreditation Program has been the gold standard to ensure the safety and effectiveness of eye bank operations. Accreditation is based on our Medical Standards, which are endorsed by the American Academy of Ophthalmology, and ensures the same standards are consistently followed by all eye bank staff.
Certified Eye Bank Technician Certification Program
EBAA is the nationally-recognized certifying body for eye bank technicians. EBAA offers the opportunity to attain Certified Eye Bank Technician (CEBT) status through an examination administered by an outside educational testing agency. Technicians who have passed the exam may maintain their certification by earning a required number of continuing education units (CEUs) and recertifying every three years.
EBAA Medical Standards and Procedures Manual
The EBAA Medical Standards and Procedures Manual is maintained by the Medical Advisory Board and is essential to ensuring that quality, safe tissue is processed at all eye banks.
Technical Procedures Manual
This manual is an operational guide to the Medical Standards, and establishes clinically-accepted, baseline practices for each eye banking procedure. In the late 1980s, an ad-hoc Procedure Manual Committee created the manual to serve as a framework upon which each eye bank develops its own personalized set of procedures.
Cornea and Eye Banking Forum
This annual event is a favorite among physicians and eye bankers and features a full day of the latest innovative research taking place in the eye banking and corneal transplantation field.
EBAA Annual Meeting
Each summer, EBAA hosts a multi-day conference focused on providing comprehensive eye banking education on diverse topics relevant to eye bank professionals today. The conference also includes importance governance meetings, as well as the Scientific Symposium.
Fall Leadership Meeting
Consists of governance meetings including the Medical Advisory Board Meeting, the Accreditation Board Meeting, and the Board of Directors Meeting.
Eye Donation Month
Held every November, EBAA increases public awareness for corneal donation and transplantation and commemorates the work of eye bankers, physicians, and others in the eye donation community.
Eye Bank Staff Benefits
The benefits of EBAA membership extend to all the members of your staff. Add them to our database so they receive access to our wide variety of members-only content and resources.
Value of Community Non-Profit Eye Banks
EBAA developed tools to promote the importance of non-profit eye banks. This campaign highlights the various reasons to partner with your local non-profit eye bank, including a sense of community, establishing relationships, and high-quality ocular tissue.
Ocular Network Exchange (ONE)
The Ocular Network Exchange, also known as ONE, is an online tissue distribution platform designed to help member eye banks provide higher quality corneal tissue to surgeons and to find the best possible use for donated corneas.
EyeFind aims to assist researchers in finding local and national eye banks that provide services and eye tissues that meet their research needs. Eye banks have direct access to this tool to maintain up-to-date information about their tissues and services. This was developed in partnership with The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO).
Career Center Job Posting Board
EBAA offers the ability for eye banks to post available jobs to the EBAA hosted career center.
Reimbursement Advocacy
These resources were developed by EBAA and AAO to help you secure the reimbursement to which you are entitled.
EBAA Annual Statistical Report
Every Spring, EBAA publishes the profession’s most comprehensive statistical report of eye banking and transplantation data collected, from EBAA-accredited eye banks.
Eye Bank Compensation and Benefits Report
EBAA publishes a report that is a collection of compensation and benefits from various member eye banks.
Focal Point
A bi-weekly e-newsletter that highlights advocacy, regulatory and legislative topics of importance to EBAA members. This newsletter provides a comprehensive view of regulatory and legislative issues of importance to EBAA members, zeroing in on the activities that most greatly affect eye banking.
EBAA’s monthly newsletter provides information on events, educational opportunities, news, and other activities specific to the eye banking and ophthalmic communities.
COVID-19 Resources
Throughout the pandemic, EBAA has been compiling relevant and timely alerts and information regarding COVID-19.
Year in Review
EBAA releases its annual report each year highlighting the work of the association, our members, and the donation and transplantation field.
Scholarships, Grants, and Awards
EBAA Scholarships and Research Grants
Our grant and funding opportunities provide individuals with funds to complete innovative research, attend various educational events, and the possibility to learn from experts in the eye banking community..
EBAA’s awards are designed to recognize these individuals, with different awards intended for specific constituencies.
Get Involved
The Lens – EBAA Community Platform
EBAA released The Lens in early 2021. This “community platform” allows EBAA members to engage, interact, and learn from one another. It also replaces EBAA’s former list servs.
Committee and Board Service
EBAA relies on knowledgeable eye bankers and physicians to serve on the Board of Directors, as well as a variety of committees. These boards and committees not only drive many of the decisions in the association, but help to shape many of our resources and educational materials.
Community Chats
Various community chats are held throughout the year to allow EBAA members to discuss important topics relevant to Executive Directors/CEOs, quality assurance, technical operations, donor development, and communications/marketing.