Minhua Wu, Lions Gift of Sight
2023 Jachin Misko Scholarship Recipient
I recently attended the Eye Bank Association of America Technician Education Seminar 2023. It was a 5-week course that featured interactive workshops, on-demand content, live demonstrations, discussions, and networking with other eye bank professionals. Sessions included personal accounts of the gift of sight, interactive slit lamp microscopy evaluations, procedure demonstrations, case study discussions, and simulations. I want to thank Saving Sight for sponsoring and giving me the Jachin Misko Memorial Scholarship. And I also want to thank EBAA for hosting the seminar.
Madeline Bachus, Sierra Donor Services Eye Bank
2023 Jachin Misko Scholarship Recipient

Having only been in Eye Banking for a year, I had a very narrow understanding of all of the details and nuances that went into donation, from start to finish.
I particularly appreciated hearing the approach calls from donor families and the case studies, it helped me understand the gravity of our work and the words we choose when helping donor families. As every donor and case is different, I really loved discussing the details of cases, and how we might apply this experience and knowledge to future cases.
Hearing other Eye Banker’s processes, experiences, and policies gave me the knowledge to better understand the difference but also the similarities of each eye bank- ultimately, we all share the same goal of facilitating a donor’s generous gift of sight to someone in need.
A huge thank you to Saving sight for awarding me one of the Jachin Misko Memorial Scholarship and allowing me the opportunity to attend the Technical Education Seminar and expand my education on our field.