Philadelphia, PA
The Technician Education Seminar is a hybrid course featuring online and in-person sessions on the practical, technical, and scientific aspects of eye banking. It gives access to in-depth, interactive training and activities that strengthen knowledge of eye banking, various roles at the eye bank, and the responsibilities of themselves and others in the organization. This program is a way to “kick-start” careers for those newer to eye banking as the most comprehensives eye bank training program available. It was held February 19-22, in Philadelphia, PA.

The event kicked off with a fun social event at Lucky Strike, where participants gathered for pizza, drinks, bowling and games. Besides the competition and fun, it gave everyone a chance to get to know one another, make connections, and learn more about each other’s work.
Thursday, February 20

The first morning included various speakers on an array of important topics including: Safety, Infection Control, & Biohazard Waste, Authorization & Donor Risk Assessment Case Studies, and a Serological Testing Activity.

The afternoon session focused on hands-on demonstrations so participants could partake in some active learning. They observed physical inspections of a potential eye donor, donor maintenance, preparation, and restoration, aseptic technique, and recovery and preservation.
Friday, February 21

Friday continued with more hands-on learning with faculty-guided slit-lamp microscopy and specular microscopy. The group enjoyed an interactive demonstration and discussion, and what better way to warm up your human body knowledge than with some anatomy bingo!?
Saturday, February 22

The final day of the Technician Education Seminar included a review of the previous days’s information , along with case studies, tissue processing and distribution, and a fun Jeopardy game. Of course no eye banking event is complete without the emphasis of gratitude for donors, as a donor family member’s inspirational story was shared. We’d like to thank all our participants for joining us in Philadelphia, along with the faculty, and our host eye bank, the Lions Eye Bank of Delaware Valley.