Monna Monson
This composition about donor Monna Monson was a winning submission in the 2015 “Through My Eyes” Art Contest during National Eye Donor Month.
This composition about donor Monna Monson was a winning submission in the 2015 “Through My Eyes” Art Contest during National Eye Donor Month.
Thanks to this gift, I was able to see the freckles on my son’s face and the strands of my daughter’s hair. I could identify both kids on the field during sports. Most importantly, though, I was able to remain the sole provider for my family. But our journey did not end there; with the altruistic and team-like mentality that was well-ingrained into our family’s life, we knew we wanted to give back to the organization and cause that helped make our future possible.
Florentino underwent transplant surgery in July of 2011 and experienced success. He boasted thereafter, “now that my eyesight is restored, I am not afraid anymore; not afraid to do anything.” Since his corneal “blessing,” the 26-year-old regained his quality of life and began reaching for the stars.
The transplant was a success, and Kailee’s vision dramatically improved. Now a vibrant 12- year-old, Kailee is active in school and in extracurricular activities, and her transplant allows her to be a kid to the fullest extent.
In the past, when Nancy Bommer sewed the tiny stitches on the quilts she loved to make, she never thought about the blessing it was to see so well. Then Nancy turned 40 and the way she saw everything changed dramatically.
“We just want to say thank you to Lions Eye Bank for helping us help our baby and to the families who donated corneas,” said Jimmy. “Because of their generosity, our family and Peyton are very fortunate. Thank you.”
What do you say to someone when the death of their loved one gave you the amazing gift of sight? …In the end it was the tearful, silent embrace she shared with Gina Miller that said it all.
Adrie was a 17-year-old freshman at Central State University in Wilberforce, Ohio, when she more-or-less met Silas Taylor. Silas worked in the school cafeteria, and Adrie is fairly sure…
Through donation, Robert provided an incredible gift to others in a country where few are privileged to receive the precious gift of sight.
Michael Doherty, Jr. was a caring, thoughtful, and outgoing person. He was especially passionate about motocross racing and his yellow GTO, the sight of which always put a smile on his face.
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