Tissue and Eye Banks and Organ Procurement Organizations Respond to Inaccurate and Sensationalized Reporting by Los Angeles Times
The Los Angeles Times, in its “Bodies of Evidence” articles, has done a tremendous disservice to the goal of increasing organ, eye and tissue donations in the United States. On behalf of the nation’s tissue banks, eye banks and organ procurement organizations (OPOs), we can assure
everyone that the circumstances described in these articles simply do not exist as described.
2019 EBAA Annual Meeting Highlights
The 2019 EBAA Annual Meeting took place June 5-8, in Scottsdale, Arizona. Here are some highlights.
ARVO and EBAA Launch EyeFind
The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) and the Eye Bank Association of America (EBAA) have partnered to launch EyeFind, a new online tool that will connect eye and vision researchers with eye banks to more efficiently obtain eye tissue that is critical for their research.
Eye Bank Association of America Releases 2018 Statistical Report
The Eye Bank Association of America (EBAA) has released its 2018 Eye Banking Statistical Report which includes data from all 57 U.S. and 11 international member eye bank reporting entities for the calendar year 2018. The report represents a complete picture of eye banking activity within the United States and a representative view of international eye banking.
2019 Patricia Aiken O’Neill Scholarship Personal Account
When we share information about corneal donation, we tell people that donation will affect us all. We share that donation will become part of our individual and collective story, changing the world one person at a time.
2019 Mary Jane O’Neill Fellowship in International Eye Banking Personal Account
Three moments were most striking: when I attended the interactive slit lamp microscopy session, when I presented my work that was completed in my post-graduate at the Scientific Symposium, and the most thrilling thing was listening to a donor family member and a cornea recipient share their experiences. That made me more sure of what I want to do and the importance of my job which is helping people see again.
Eye Bank Association of America Launches New Ocular Network Exchange
The Eye Bank Association of America (EBAA) has released its 2018 Eye Banking Statistical Report which includes data from all 57 U.S. and 11 international member eye bank reporting entities for the calendar year 2018. The report represents a complete picture of eye banking activity within the United States and a representative view of international eye banking.
The Power of You: Register to Donate Your Eyes!
The Eye Bank Association of America (EBAA) has released its 2018 Eye Banking Statistical Report which includes data from all 57 U.S. and 11 international member eye bank reporting entities for the calendar year 2018. The report represents a complete picture of eye banking activity within the United States and a representative view of international eye banking.