EBAA is proud to announce the inaugural issue of Eye Banking and Corneal Transplantation, the successor to the International Journal of Eye Banking.
This new publication partners EBAA with Wolters Kluwer, one of the world’s foremost scientific journal publishers. This journal extends the reach and impact of research on the issues most relevant to our profession while expanding the scope of discoveries we can share with our members. Wolters Kluwer is applying for indexing, and all content published in IJEB is grandfathered into EBCT’s archives.
Published quarterly to start, and more frequently as submissions warrant, EBCT is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that draws on the knowledge and efforts of eye bankers, physicians, and researchers from around the world. We invite you to submit your work for publication consideration.
We look forward to building on IJEB’s success and continuing EBAA’s commitment to supporting and disseminating important research examining corneal donation, preparation, and transplantation. Thank you in advance for your support.
This inaugural issue includes:
Dorian Ariel Zeidenweber, MD; Anthony J. Aldave, MD; and Simon SM Fung, MD
A retrospective study of three cases of corneal endothelial allograft rejection shortly after immunization with SARS-CoV-2 messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines, including the clinical course, management and outcomes.
Updated EBAA Medical Standards
EBAA’s Medical Standards as revised by the Medical Advisory Board on November 2, 2022
Abstracts from 2022 Cornea & Eye Banking Forum
Summaries of all presentations given during the Cornea & Eye Banking Forum, held on September 30, 2022 in Chicago, and co-hosted by EBAA and the Cornea Society.
“Rebirth”, Editorial
Michelle Rhee, Editor-in-Chief
Editorial Board Editor-in-Chief Michelle Rhee, MD New York, NY Associate Editors |
Beverly Forsyth, MD New York, NY | Joshua Hou, MD Minneapolis, MN | David Ritterband, MD New York, NY |
Editorial Board Members |
Sujata Das, MD Odisha, India David Glasser, MD Columbia, MD Izabela Godinho, MD Sao Paolo, Brazil Joann Kang, MD New York, NY Stephen Kaufman,MD,PhD Minneapolis, MN Ellen Koo, MD Palm Beach, FL | Hun Lee, MD Seoul, South Korea Ahmed Omar, MD Cleveland, OH Isaac Perry, CEBT Winston-Salem, NC Diego Ponzin, MD Venice, Italy Naveen Rao, MD Boston, MA Onkar Sawant, PhD Cleveland, OH | Naoshi Shinozaki Ichikawa City, Japan Chris Stoeger, MBA, CEBT, CTBS Portland, OR Alan Sugar, MD Ann Arbor, MI Zeba Syed, MD Philadelphia, PA Khoa Tran, PhD Portland, OR |