Cornea Donor – Seeing Life Through Tefa’s Lenses
Estefanía, a beautiful 27-year-old woman, was full of life in every way. She loved to practice yoga, read, watch TV series, and spend time with family and friends. She turned heads with her outstanding personality, beautiful smile, and gorgeous face, and could turn dark days into happy ones.
During her short stay on earth, she lived, laughed, and loved. She found beauty and passion in everything she did and inspired everyone around her. That love and happiness will continue to live on in her legacy, and it is beautiful to know that someone out there is seeing life through Tefa’s corneas. Giving another human being the opportunity to see the wonders of the world was something Tefa would have done without hesitation. Her happiness, peace, and serenity demonstrated that she appreciated every aspect, moment, person, and visual in her life.