Cornea Donor – A Life of Service, Signed With Love
Kathy and Daniel Hurst talked about everything: “Every day, we would sit and talk for hours,” said Kathy, from the large green cushion of her husband’s favorite chair.
One day, the topic of organ donation came up.
“We talked about our wishes to someday become a donor, but we never took the next step to make it official.”
Less than a year later, Daniel experienced shortness of breath and was rushed to the hospital. Soon after he arrived, he went into cardiac arrest and could not be revived. The doctors approached Kathy about organ donation, but because Daniel wasn’t registered, she would have to make the decision.
In shock and heartbroken by his sudden death, she didn’t know what to do. She talked with her children, and, they chose not to pursue donation. But then Kathy remembered that conversation, and Daniel’s kind and generous spirit.
“At that point, there was no question,” she said. “It was the right thing to do.”
Later that night, Kathy received a call from Eversight, and she learned that Daniel was able to donate his corneas to two people in need.
“To have given this gift, it helps me feel that a part of Daniel continues to live,” Kathy said.