The 2019 EBAA Annual Meeting took place June 5-8, in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Thank you to everyone who attended the meeting, the generous sponsors, the organizations who exhibited, the knowledgeable speakers, the many volunteers who assisted during the meeting, as well as the numerous committee members who helped plan and select the educational content.
Check out the highlights from this year’s meeting:

Keynote Spotlight: The Future of Whole Eye Transplantation
Dr. Kia Washington discussed her research on whole eye transplantation and how she plans to make it a clinical reality, during the Friday Keynote presentation, sponsored by Advancing Sight Network.
Innovation Keynote and Personal Stories of Donation
Thursday’s General Session featured the Keynote presentation, “Innovating with Fresh Vision,” presented by Michael Bennett, PhD, JD. Attendees also heard Jennifer Loredo speak about her brother, Jacob, and how he was able to save and enhance the loves of many through eye, tissue, and organ donation. Alan Austin, cornea recipient, also shared how his quality of life has changed since receiving the gift of sight.

Educational Content at the Forefront
The four-day meeting was packed with educational content, featuring two Keynote presentations, four sets of concurrent sessions allowing attendees to choose their own experience, over 90 knowledgeable speakers, topic specific workshops, rapid-fire symposia, and much more!

Committees at Work
Various EBAA committees were able to meet in person to discuss important issues, including Donor Development, Technical Education, Quality Assurance, Accreditation Board, Medical Advisory Board, and International Journal of Eye Banking. Thank you to all of our committees for their hard work year-round!

Media Training Intensive
Attendees gathered to participate in this interactive session led by media professionals, Jennifer Kaplan, Nico Santos, and Rick DeBruhl. Attendees were able to engage with each other, and the speakers, and build on their communications and media skill set.

New Ebaa Board Members Elected
The House of Delegates convened to elect three new individuals to the EBAA Board of Directors: Chris Hanna, MBA, CEBT, Utah Lions Eye Bank; Megan Young, San Diego Eye Bank; and Shahzad Mian, MD, Eversight.

A Wild West Evening in Copper Canyon
The talk of the town Friday morning was the wild, wild time the 260 attendees had at the social event on Thursday evening, sponsored by Medline. Attendees had the opportunity to play games, eat BBQ, network with colleagues, and much more!

Annual Dinner And Awards Program
EBAA Congratulates Mark Soper, 2019 Leonard Heise Award Recipient, Jeffrey Johnston, MD, Gift of Sight Award Recipient, and the Kentucky Circuit Clerks’ Office, Crystal Cornea Award Recipient, for receiving these prestigious awards. Thank you for all of your work in promoting the gift of sight!

Slit Lamp Microscopy Interactive Experience
This year’s session featured hands-on evaluation of tissue with experienced faculty members. Thank you to all who contributed to this interactive experience in the form of tissue, microscopes, time, and expertise!

Scientific Symposium
Congratulations to Samera Ahmad from Emory University for receiving the Best Paper of Session Award for her presentation, “Ethics in Eye Banking: Understanding Attitudes Toward Industry Changes” and thank you to the speakers, moderators, and engaged attendees!

Thank You to Our Sponsors and Exhibitors for Their Continued Support!

We want your feedback! Complete the Annual Meeting Evaluation to provide your thoughts on the meeting.
If you are an eye banker and attended the full meeting, please complete this evaluation.
If you are a physician who attended the physician program on Friday and Saturday, please complete this evaluation.
To view the full photo album from the Annual Meeting, click here.
Thank you for attending the 2019 EBAA Annual Meeting!
We hope to see you next year, June 17-20, 2020, in Dallas, Texas!