As an EBAA Member, you are part of a collaborative, passionate, and dedicated community. Leveraging the full advantages of EBAA membership will help you do your job better, prepare your staff, develop your competencies, and advance your organization’s mission. Ready to get started?
To maximize your membership experience, follow these three steps:

Get Started

Get Connected

Get Involved
Get Started
To get the most out of your membership, get off on the right foot. Here are a few important steps to take as you begin your EBAA experience.
Log on and explore EBAA Resources. To access members-only online content, log into the member portal. Contact for help.
Begin your eyeLEARN journey. Free live webinars, on-demand content, event recordings, customizable resources, and more are available on eyeLEARN.
Join the discussion. Discover, share, and connect with others through our members-only social network, The Lens. Join discussion groups of interest to you and start sharing ideas with your peers.
Mark your calendar. Find upcoming events that will help take your organization and your career to the next level.
Review important documents. EBAA Medical Standards, Procedures Manual, and other important documents are available in the Member’s Portal.
Bookmark key resources. Make it easy to find the resources you’re likely to use repeatedly. We recommend:
- eyeLEARN
- The Lens
- Customizable Resources
- Eye Banking and Corneal Transplantation Journal
- Ocular Network Exchange (ONE)
- Member Page on Website
Get Connected
You’ll get the most out of your EBAA membership when you get connected to the people, programs, information, and resources that can help take your organization and career to the next level.
Connect with other members. It’s easy to connect with your peers in EBAA’s many online social spaces. Here are a few highlights:
- The Lens. Build your network in EBAA’s members-only network. Get started by completing your profile, joining groups of interest to you, and starting discussions.
- LinkedIn: Join EBAA’s LinkedIn group and connect with your peers, participate in timely discussions.
- Facebook: Interact and share stories on the EBAA page.
- Twitter: Follow @restoresight and use the hashtags #EBAA and #restoresight to keep up with recent posts.
- Instagram: Follow @restoresight for updates, event photos, and sneak peeks at what’s ahead. Don’t forget to share your photos and tag us or use #EBAA.
Discover education and networking programs. The education options from eyeLEARN include something for every learning style and every schedule. And if networking is what you’re looking for, you can find opportunities to connect with your peers on topics that matter through our frequent Community Chats.
Keep informed on legislative issues. Stay on top of legislative and regulatory activity that may affect your eye bank by reading the bi-weekly Focal Point newsletter delivered directly to your inbox.
Utilize EBAA’s Connections with Vendors You Need. EBAA is supported by 360 Partners, as well as other sponsors and exhibitors throughout the year. These companies would love to connect with you to serve you with products and services to save you time, enhance your processes, and add dollars to your bottom line.
Visit the association career center. The Career Center allows you to look at available jobs as well as post a job if your eye bank has a position to fill.
Get Involved
Whether you choose to get involved to gain leadership opportunities, build your resume, increase your organization’s exposure in the eye banking and corneal transplantation field, or give back to the profession, you’ll find a meaningful way to participate in the EBAA community.
Volunteer. Join an EBAA committee to serve with eye bankers from across the country on topics that matter to you. New committee cycles occur every two years.
Contribute. EBAA’s resources draw heavily on the knowledge and experience of our members. You can contribute in a variety of ways:
- Write a Blog Post. Submit a proposal for a blog on workplace challenges, new programs/initiatives, organizational culture, DEI, career growth, or anything else that would be relevant for the profession.
- Become a presenter. Submit your idea for an education session for an EBAA Program
- Annual Meeting Presentations. EBAA solicits proposals for Annual Meeting topics every fall.
- Recorded Content Available on eyeLEARN. Share your experience through skills videos, short recorded presentations, a live webinar, or leading a community chat.
- Abstract Proposals. Submit an abstract proposal for either the summer Scientific Symposium or the Cornea and Eye Banking Forum that takes place in the Fall.
Obtain Your CEBT Certification. Certified Eye Bank Technician (CEBT) is the only professional certification for eye bank professionals. The CEBT designation signifies a strong understanding of EBAA Medical Standards and Procedures, applicable regulations, and overall eye banking practices.
Lend your support. Help support EBAA:
- Support EBAA Through Sponsorship Opportunities. EBAA has a variety of sponsorship opportunities throughout the year for the Annual Meeting, Cornea and Eye Banking Forum, and more.
- Host Eye Bank Opportunity. EBAA hosts the Mary Jane O’Neill Fellowship program which brings an international eye banker to the US. Host the Fellow for one week at your eye bank.