I. Anatomy and Physiology (12%)
1. Ocular
- General Characteristics
- Parts of the Eye
- Sclera
- Iris
- Ciliary Body
- Choroid
- Retina
- Retinal Pigment Epithelium
- Lens
- Vitreous and Aqueous
- Conjunctiva
- Extraocular Muscles
- Optic Nerve
- Canal of Schlemm
- Pupil
- Anterior and Posterior Chambers
- Eyelid
- Glands
- Tenon’s Capsule
- Refractive Power of the Eye
- Refractive Properties
- Refractive Errors
- Accommodation
- Other
2. Corneal
- General Characteristics
- Corneal Layers
- Epithelium
- Bowman’s Membrane
- Stroma
- Descemet’s Membrane
- Endothelium
- Metabolic Functions
- State of Hydration
- Factors Affecting Transparency
- Rejection
- Other
II. Scientific Basis for Practice (24%)
1. Microbiology
- Organisms
- Cultures
2. Quality Assurance and Control
- EBAA Medical Standards
- EBAA Standardized Procedures
- Sterilization
- Refrigeration and Temperature Recording
- Instrument Inspection, Cleaning, and Handling
- Quality Assurance Monitoring
- Record Keeping and Documentation
- Professional Standards
- Accreditation
- Certification
- Adverse Reaction Reports
- Recalls and Withdrawals
- Other
3. Diseases and Epidemiology
- Prevention of Disease Transmission
- EBAA Medical Standards
- Aseptic Technique
- Standard Precautions
- Laminar Flow Hood
- Communicable Disease
- Conditions of the Eye
- Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies
- Hepatitis
- Septicemia
- Diseases of Unknown Etiology
- Contraindications to Transplantation
- Rabies
- Retinoblastoma
- Other
III. Donor-Related Issues (20%)
1. Consent
- Required Request Law
- Uniform Anatomical Gift Act
- Informed Consent Procedures and Documentation
2. Donor History, Screening, and Evaluation
- EBAA Medical Standards
- Blood Drawing Procedures
- Serology
- Tests
- Hemodilution
- Determination of Suitability
- Donation
- Transplant
3. Legislation and Regulatory Requirements
- FDA Registration
- FDA Donor Eligibility Rule
- FDA Good Tissue Practices
- CMS Conditions of Participation (CoP)
- Other
IV. Tissue Related Procedures (20%)
1. Preservation of Tissue
- Procedures and Methods
- Storage Solution
2. Transport and Storage of Tissue
- Packaging and Labeling
- Documentation Requirements
- Distribution of Tissue
- Storage
3. Examination and Evaluation of Tissue
- Slit Lamp Biomicroscopy
- Specular Microscopy
- Other
4. Surgical Procedures
- Penetrating Keratoplasty
- Lamellar Keratoplasty
- Anterior
- Posterior
- Epikeratoplasty
- Patch Graft
- Refractive Keratoplasty
- Trabeculectomy
- Sclera
- Keratolimbal Allograft
- Other
5. Use of Tissue in Education and Research
Use of Tissue in Education and Research
V. Technical Procedures (24%)
1. Whole Eye Enucleations
- Preparation
- Equipment, Supplies, and Reagents
- Procedure
2. Corneal Excisions
- Preparation
- Equipment, Supplies, and Reagents
- Procedure
3. Scleral Preservation
- Preparation
- Equipment, Supplies, and Reagents
- Procedure
4. Tissue Processing
- Preparation
- Equipment, Supplies, and Reagents
- Procedure
5. Safety
Equipment, Supplies, and Reagents