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Established in 1981, EBAA Accreditation is the gold standard for eye banking. Recognized by FDA, CDC and other federal agencies, this program ensures consistently safe, quality ocular tissue by confirming that our Medical Standards, which are endorsed by the American Academy of Ophthalmology, are consistently followed by all eye bank staff. EBAA Accreditation is open to all entities that perform one or more eye banking functions, regardless of their EBAA membership status.
A team consisting of an eye banker and a corneal surgeon visit an accredited eye bank no less than every three years to review donor records, standard operating procedures, and tissue and administrative documentation. They also interview the eye bank’s executive director, medical director, and other relevant staff, and observe technicians’ recovery and tissue processing skills.
The results are masked and reported to EBAA’s full Accreditation Board to determine whether accreditation has been earned, or if corrective action or status revocation is required.
To learn about the EBAA-Accreditation campaign materials eye banks can purchase, click here.
Please contact Jennifer DeMatteo to learn more about EBAA Accreditation.