About Us
The Eye-Bank for Sight Restoration, founded in New York City in 1944 as the world’s first eye bank, is an independent, nonprofit organization serving the Greater New York Metropolitan Area. The Eye-Bank’s full-service, state-of-the-art ocular laboratory operates 24/7 to recover, process and distribute ophthalmic tissue for the most innovative of today’s corneal surgeries. Continuing its pioneering efforts in the field, The Eye-Bank’s Ocular Tissue Research Program focuses on providing ocular tissue and cells to meet the needs of researchers developing treatments, including cellular therapy techniques.
Raising public awareness about the need for and benefits of eye donation is a key component of our efforts that have helped more than 74,000 individuals receive the beautiful gift of sight through cornea transplantation. As an accredited and founding member of the Eye Bank Association of America, we continue to proudly support the EBAA’s standards and mission of restoring sight worldwide.
Address: 120 Wall Street, Third Floor, New York, NY 10005
Phone: (212) 742-9000
Contact Email: Info@ebsr.org
Website: EyeDonation.org
Social Media:
Instagram: @EyeBankNY
Facebook & LinkedIn: The Eye-Bank for Sight Restoration