Elizabeth Fout
Florida Lions Eye Bank
Candidate Bio
Elizabeth Fout has been in the eye banking field for 23 years and has been the Executive Director of the Florida Lions Eye Bank for the past 17. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Biology from the University of Florida and a master’s degree in Health Services Administration from Florida International University. For the past two years Elizabeth has served as Secretary/Treasurer for the association. She has also served on several committees and taskforces within the EBAA, including serving as Chair of the Finance Committee for the past 2 years and as Chair of the Constitution and Bylaws Committee from 2016-2020.
Candidate Statement
I have served for the last 2 years as Secretary/Treasurer of the EBAA Board of Directors. During my term the Board has considered numerous issues and opportunities facing our members. We have discussed the challenges facing eye banks, including consolidation and the impact that new technology will have on our profession. As I said two years ago, I believe very strongly in the mission of eye banking and in the important role that the EBAA plays in strengthening our organizations. It would be my honor to serve as Secretary/Treasurer for a second term so that I can continue to use my experiences and skills to further our association.
Prior Service
- Secretary/Treasurer, EBAA Board of Directors (2020-2022)
- Chair, Finance Committee (2020-2022)
- Member, Statistical Report Committee (2010-2012)
- Member, Constitution and Bylaws Committee (2010-2016)
- Chair, Constitution and Bylaws Committee (2016-current)
- Member, Legislative and Regulatory Committee (2014-2018)
- Member, Membership Expansion Taskforce (2019)
- Member, Governance Review Committee (2016-2017)
- Member, Statistical Report Taskforce (2010-2012)