EBAA benefits from a large number of dedicated volunteers whose service on EBAA Committees helps advance the Association’s mission.
Each committee charge, expectations, and roster can be found below.
Accreditation Board
- Conduct site inspections of eye banks to ascertain an appropriate and current level of compliance with EBAA Medical Standards and tissue regulations.
- AB inspectors review donor records, standard operating procedures, and tissue and administrative documentation, interview the eye bank’s executive director, medical director, and other relevant staff, and observe technicians’ recovery and tissue processing skills.
- Advise eye banks in corrective actions to meet these standards.
- Discuss the findings of accreditation inspections and determine whether accreditation has been earned, or if corrective action or status revocation is required.
- Report in an advisory capacity to the Medical Advisory Board on accreditation issues which impact current standards.
- Submit accreditation policies which advance eye banking to the Board of Directors.
- Be an experienced CEBT or corneal surgeon to provide the accreditation procedure a high level of consistency in application of the EBAA Medical Standards.
- Conduct at least one eye bank site inspection per year (possibly two if an eye banker)
- Non-disclosure of confidential information and intellectual property held by the inspected bank.
- Attendance at all scheduled AB meetings is expected, and attendance at one face-to-face meeting per year is required.
Frequency of Meetings
- Attend and participate in two meetings per year, at the EBAA Annual Meeting in June and prior to the AAO meeting in the Fall.
- Attend the training at the beginning of the cycle.
- Participate in conference calls if appointed to an ad hoc subcommittee of the AB.
Committee Member List
Certification Board
- The Certification Board sets and maintains standards for the certification and recertification of eye bank technicians.
- It is responsible for an assessment process that evaluates the competence of technicians.
- Members are appointed by the Chair of the Board of Directors.
- Membership of the Board consists of up to six individuals: a) three members to respectively represent the areas of continuing education, exam, and technician education, b) one Medical Director with experience in one or more of the above areas, c) one member to represent the Association Board of Directors, and d) one member appointed by the Board of Directors and approved by the House of Delegates.
- Category a) serves for a two-year term to coincide with their term of service on the committee they represent, and b), c) and d) for a two-year term that is staggered to provide continuity. Should an individual’s position or term on the entity they represent change or expire, a replacement may be appointed by the Board of Directors to complete the remainder of that individual’s term on the Certification Board. The Certification Board elects its Chair to serve a two- year term, which may be renewed. Members may be re-appointed or re-elected to serve for a maximum of six consecutive years.
Frequency of Meetings
- Most work conducted by email
- Meet as needed
Certification Board Member List
Constitution & Bylaws Committee
- Review proposed bylaws amendments to ensure compatibility with current bylaws; make recommendation to Board to accept or reject proposed amendments.
- Initiate bylaws amendments as appropriate
- Review all eye bank/organizational membership applications to ensure compliance with bylaws requirements; make recommendation to Board to accept or reject application.
- Have knowledge of EBAA bylaws and other governing documents
- Understand non-profit governance issues
- Consider bylaws amendments and new member applications in light of their impact on EBAA, regardless of possible implications for one’s own organization.
Frequency of Meetings
- Most work conducted by email
- Bylaws amendments are not proposed every year
- EBAA receives approximately one membership application per year.
Committee Member List
Continuing Education Committee
- Evaluate educational opportunities for proficiency in eye banking standards and practices.
- Set consistent standards to ensure the the rigor and objectivity of continuing education units (CEUs).
- Ensure that requests being submitted for CEU approval meet the professional development standards for maintaining one’s CEBT
- Review CEU requests throughout the year
- Answer emails, review CEU requests, and complete surveys sent from the Committee Chair and/or EBAA liaison
Frequency of Meetings
- Attend conference calls throughout the year as determined by the Chair.
Committee Member List
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- Plan educational programs for the Annual Meeting, webinars, and community chats throughout the year on diversity, equity, inclusion, and how to implement DEI within an organization.
- Outreach / awareness
- Provide historical context for DEI-related observances and how they connect to eye banking and the transplantation community
- Gather and distribute tools and resources for EBAA members to expand their own understanding of DEI
- Connect with members to determine where DEI efforts are lacking and implement improvement measures
- Work to create an association-wide environment that is a safe space for underrepresented voices, experiences, and perspectives
- Commitment to DEI as a value of EBAA
- Knowledge of DEI and willingness to learn more as DEI concepts evolve
- Open to sharing ideas and concepts with EBAA membership
- Willing to speak out and share experiences related to DEI
- Accepting of new ideas and information on issues that may feel uncomfortable
Frequency of Meetings
- Attend monthly/bi-monthly Zoom meetings as needed
Committee Member List
Donor, Partner, and Community Relations Committee
- Plan educational programs to be delivered at the Annual Meeting, webinars, and community chats throughout the year in the following areas: Hospital development/ donor development
- Community outreach/ public awareness
- Partner relations, public awareness
- Donor family communications/ aftercare
- Call center operations
- Related topics
- Provide tools and resources for eye banks to encourage registration and donation.
- Provide tools and resources for eye banks to promote cornea donation and donor registration, to strengthen relationships with donation partners, to increase public awareness, and help facilitate the gift of sight.
- Have knowledge of some or all of the topics below Hospital development/ donor development
- Community outreach/ public awareness
- Partner relations, public awareness
- Donor family communications/ aftercare
- Call center operations
- Understand eye bank operations and partnerships in relation to donation partners and the public
- Bring new ideas and topics to the committee to further the education of these topics to the entire membership
- Answer emails and respond to requests from the Committee Chair and/or EBAA liaison
Frequency of Meetings
- Attend monthly Zoom calls
Committee Member List
Exam Committee
- Administer examinations for technical certification.
- Create, review, and update materials related to the certification exam.
- Develop items for the examination appropriate to the expected knowledge and skill level of the applicants
- Understand the various eye banking functions covered on the Certified Eye Bank Technician Exam.
- Write and review exam questions
- Attend meetings and contribute to the overall work of the committee
Frequency of Meetings
- The committee meets via Zoom on a monthly or bi-monthly basis, as determined by the Committee Chair.
Committee Member List
Finance Committee
- Recommend financial policies and strategies that reflect EBAA’s current and future needs.
- Participate in quarterly call: EBAA financial update: Receive report from CEO and Finance Director regarding the association’s current and anticipated future financial position.
- EBAA investment update: Receive report from investment advisors; recommend changes to investment policy as appropriate
- Understand financial and operational issues relevant to non-profit organizations
- Review financial issues from the perspective of what is in the best interest of EBAA, separate from potential impact on one’s own organization
Frequency of Meetings
- Attend quarterly updates from EBAA staff and investment advisors (60-90 minutes) Review printed materials before the meeting
- Available for other conference calls as needed. (fewer than one per year)
Committee Member List
Legislative & Regulatory Committee
- Review relevant federal legislative and regulatory issues and develop recommendations, as appropriate, concerning legislative policy and its application to eye banking.
- Monitor state legislation to identify trends and develop recommendations on appropriate policies for adoption by member banks.
- Unite and direct members for participation in grassroots campaigns.
- Possess interest in, and working knowledge of, legislative and regulatory processes
- Understand laws and regulations that apply to eye banking and human tissue donation
Frequency of Meetings
- Intermittent, based on circumstances at federal and state levels; 2-3 phone or Zoom meetings per year.
Committee Member List
Medical Advisory Board (MAB)
- Establish medical criteria for eye donations, review and promulgate safety guidelines for technical procedures for recovery and processing of ocular tissue and make recommendations regarding corneal transplantation.
- Regularly review and approve updates to the standards
- Have a deep understanding of the Medical Standards and the application of the standards to the operations of an eye bank
- Be an experienced eye banker or corneal surgeon to be able to contribute knowledgeable opinions and information to the discussions
Frequency of Meetings
- In-person meetings are held twice a year, at the Annual Meeting and the Fall Leadership Meeting
- Participate in conference calls if appointed to an ad hoc subcommittee of the MAB.
Committee Member List
MAB Subcommittees
Policy & Position Research
- The PPRS is charged with reviewing, investigating, and making recommendations to the MAB on relevant scientific and technical questions.
- Develop tissue safety guidance and screening recommendations for new, emerging infectious diseases
- Publication of white papers or position statements
- Be an experienced eye banker or corneal surgeon with a deep understanding of the Medical Standards and their application to new challenges and scientific controversies in eye banking.
- Available for conference calls as needed
- Answer emails and respond to requests from the Committee Chair and/or EBAA liaison
Medical Review
- Review adverse events and document their occurrence.
- Monitor the efficacy of medical standards and their effectiveness regarding disease transmission.
- Monitor specific issues as directed by the Medical Advisory Board and develop outcome measures for performance and outcome improvement.
- Participate in the review of the MRS adverse reaction report prior to submission to the MAB.
- Have knowledge of possible adverse reactions following keratoplasty and data analysis
- Available for conference calls as needed
- Answer emails and respond to requests from the Committee Chair and/or EBAA liaison
Procedures Manual
- Maintain the EBAA Procedures Manual
- Provide technically sound procedural guidelines and consistency with EBAA Medical Standards
- Removal of obsolete and addition of novel content, reflecting current and accepted practices
- Respond to requests of EBAA Medical Advisory Board, other EBAA Committees, and EBAA Membership
- Participate in the review of the EBAA Procedures Manual and suggest revisions prior to submission to the MAB.
- Maintain thorough knowledge of the EBAA Medical Standards and application of these standards in eye banking
- Attendance and participation at committee meetings via Zoom
- Engage in email communications from the Committee Chair and/or EBAA liaison
- Notify Committee Chair(s) and EBAA if unable to perform duties
Quality Assurance Committee
- Plan and develop educational sessions, materials and resources throughout the year for EBAA in the area of Quality Assurance. Plan 2-3 webinar presentations throughout the year.
- Develop eyeLEARN sessions and resources
- Programming for the Quality Assurance Workshop at the Annual Meeting as well as concurrent sessions
- Review and recommend Medical Standard and Procedures Manual revisions.
- Have knowledge of Quality Assurance in eye banking
- Bring new ideas and topics to the committee to further the education of Quality Assurance to the entire membership
- Answer emails and respond to requests from the Committee Chair and/or EBAA liaison
Frequency of Meetings
- Attend monthly Zoom calls
Committee Member List
Research Committee
- Review and recommend research grant proposals for funding by EBAA.
- Encourage new investigation in eye banking.
- Understand research protocols and terminology
- Review applications twice a year
- Maintain confidentiality regarding the materials reviewed
Frequency of Meetings
- Most committee work is completed through surveys and online communication. Members may be invited to participate in a selection call if needed.
Committee Member List
Scientific Programs Committee
- Develop, coordinate and conduct the EBAA Medical Directors Symposium and Scientific Symposium at the Annual Meeting.
- Assist with the development and expansion of educational programs and services which will attract and retain physician participation in EBAA.
- Review and select scientific papers for the EBAA Scientific Symposium and the Cornea and Eye Banking Forum.
- Develop scientific sessions on corneal transplants for presentations at other academic forums.
- Assist in the planning of educational content for eye bank professionals, corneal surgeons, and eye bank Medical Directors.
- Review scientific abstracts twice a year Scientific Symposium (review in March)
- Cornea and Eye Banking Forum (review in August)
Frequency of Meetings
- Participate in one Zoom call in December/January to plan the Medical Directors Symposium. An additional committee meeting may be scheduled during the year.
Committee Member List
Statistical Report Committee
- Review the EBAA’s annual Statistical Report and ensure accuracy and relevance of information.
- Assist in the development of data collection surveys to assist EBAA on policy development.
- Develop training materials on E-StatIS to assist with statistical data entry and provide annual analysis of eye banking trends.
- Ensure the integrity of data submitted by members.
- Participate in the review of the report prior to publication
- Understand statistical reporting and data analysis
Frequency of Meetings
- Available for conference calls as needed
- Answer emails and respond to requests from the Committee Chair and/or EBAA liaison
Committee Member List
Technician Education Committee
- Develop programs that advance and recognize the role of the technician in eye banking.
- Plan and develop educational sessions, materials and resources throughout the year for skill development and acquisition of technical knowledge and practice. Plan 2-3 webinar presentations throughout the year.
- Develop eyeLEARN sessions and resources
- Plan programming for the Technical Skills Workshop at the Annual Meeting as well as concurrent sessions
- Understand technical functions in eye banking
- Answer emails and respond to requests from the Committee Chair and/or EBAA liaison
- Attend meetings and contribute to the overall work of the committee
- Assist in the planning of educational content for the EBAA members.
- Present to the membership on a webinar, skills video or during an EBAA meeting.
Frequency of Meetings
- Attend monthly Zoom meetings