The details for presenting at the 2025 Cornea and Eye Banking Forum are provided below. If you have any questions, please contact Stacey Gardner.
Call for Abstracts
The Call for Abstracts for the 2025 Cornea and Eye Banking Forum is open. Present your research and findings to the cornea community during this year’s event. The program chairs, M. Soledad Cortina, MD, and Jessica Ciralsky, MD, encourage abstracts highlighting new procedures and therapies; scientific discoveries and innovation in cornea and eye banking; research on the preservation, preparation, processing and transplantation of corneal tissue; and any new data of interest to the cornea and eye banking communities. A Best Paper of Session Award is awarded to one medical student, resident or cornea fellow, for the presentation of their abstract. Present your research, submit an abstract by Monday, July 14.
Event Details
- Date: Friday, October 17, 2025
- Time: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
- Location: Orlando, FL
- Audience: 350-400 Ophthalmologists and Eye Bankers
Equipment and Room Set-up
- PC and Mac will be provided
- Slide Changer with Pointer
- Confidence Monitor (Speaker notes will not be visible)
- Two Presentation Screens
- Podium with Microphone
- Timer
- Co-Chairs Seated on Stage at Table (Soledad Cortina, MD, and Jessica Ciralsky, MD)
- Microphones in the audience for attendees to ask questions
Presentation Information
- Presentation Deadline: Presentations are due Monday, October 6.
- Registration: Speakers must be registered for the event. To register for the Cornea and Eye Banking Forum, click here.
- Timing:
- Speakers in Section I will be given 7 or 8 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes for Q & A based on the instructions that were given. Section II speakers have 6 minutes for presentation and 2 minutes for Q & A. Section III and IV speakers have 7 minutes for presentation and 2 minutes for Q & A.
- Please make your way to the front of the room during Q&A session for the speaker before you, so that you are ready to take the stage.
- Speakers during the invited session in Section IV will have 5 minutes for presentation and participate in a group Q&A.
- Slide Format: 16:9 aspect ratio (wide screen)
- Financial Interest Disclosure: All presenters and co-authors must complete the Financial Interest Disclosure Form. Presentations must include a slide about financial interests related to the presentation. There must not be any promotion of any products or services during the presentation. Financial Interest Disclosure Form.
- Preferred terminology:
- Recover/ recovered or procure/procured instead of harvest/ harvested
- Donor instead of cadaver (ocular donor or cornea donor also acceptable)
- Whole eye or eye instead of globe
- Note: All medical students, residents, and fellows are eligible for the Best Paper of Session Award. The award will be announced during Session IV, if you are a student, resident, or fellow, please be sure to be in the meeting room during Session IV toward the front of the room. The recipient of the award will receive a plaque as well as a monetary award of $1500; the engraved plaque will be sent following the program.
In order to comply with CME Guidelines, please follow the presentation guidelines below:
- Presentations must include a slide about financial interests related to the presentation.
- Presentations must be free of commercial bias for or against any product.
- Presentations that include commercial products must present objective information about those products, based on scientific methods generally accepted in the medical community.
- The preponderance of slides included in the presentation should reflect original thoughts and organization of the speaker.
- It is the responsibility of the presenter to obtain written permission for print inclusion of material that is under copyright protection.
- Material presented from trial results must include information on study design, subject selection and participation/compliance, therapeutic agents administered including source/dosage, adverse effects encountered, funding source, etc.
- Must offer a balanced presentation of all available trial data that is pertinent to the topic.
- The preponderance of data presented from clinical trials should be from peer-reviewed publications.
- Presentation slides cannot include commercial company and product logos.
- Do not include identifiers for patients or donors.
- Each presenter, author, and co-author must complete the Financial Interest Disclosure Form.
Speaker Agreement and Information
If you agree to all of the terms listed above, please complete and submit the Speaker Agreement Form by August 12.